This is the North Yuke World Headquarters in Grass Valley, CA. My home office is at once sanctuary, studio, and prison. It's where I go to retreat, create, and work all hours of the night. Or at least until the deadline is met.
It's a place of beauty. There is a chicken coop right outside the door. There's a shotgun just inside the door. The two sort of go together here in the Sierra foothills. And so do bears, bobcats, raccoons, coyotes, and a variety of other preditors.
There's a private deck just outside the windows. Everyone should have a place to pace. 90% of preproduction and postproduction happen here. 100% of production happens anywhere but here. There's a couch in here. Usually it supports quick breaks and sometimes Zoom meetings. The dogbed you see on the floor supports the 12-year old lab when she isn't out begging treats from the Fed Ex driver.
In all. It's not a bad life for a creative prisoner. Or a monk.